Contact Name: Bonisiwe Nkosi
Contact Photo:
Company Name: Continam Industrial Services cc
Company Classification: N/A
Company Type: Closed Corporation
Company Registration No: 2009/169166/23
Company Age (Months): 144
Job Title: Tender Coordinator
Email Address:
Telephone: 0128030122
Mobile Phone: 0747243568
Address1: 240 Vonkprop street
Address2: Watllo
Town: Pretoria
Zip/Post Code: 0002
Country Name: South Africa
Continam Industrial Services cc is a dynamic emerging enterprise with a geographical spread of 4 Southern African countries and with the will to expand. We have human resources and technical capacity based in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Botswana, We have been in existence for the past decade and we plan to be a pivotal part in the delivery of optimisation and sustainance services to our client